Latest Hugo Themes

The latest Hugo themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Hugo Theme Minima screenshot

A clean and minimal Hugo theme.

Hugo Theme Relearn screenshot

A theme for Hugo designed for documentation

Axiom screenshot

Axiom - A Hugo Theme. GitTip:

Poison screenshot

Professional Hugo theme for dev bloggers. Based on Mdo's classic Hyde theme.

HugoTeX screenshot

LaTeX style hugo theme

Hugo Theme Monochrome screenshot

Monochrome is a fast, clean and responsive hugo theme

Risotto screenshot

A minimalist, responsive hugo theme inspired by terminal ricing aesthetics.

Hugo Theme Luna screenshot

A simple, performance-first, SEO-friendly Hugo theme / 一个轻量,快速,SEO 友好的 Hugo 主题

Toha screenshot



A Hugo theme for personal portfolio

Hugo Theme Next screenshot

Easily & powerful theme for Hugo engine.

FixIt screenshot

A clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo 一个简洁、优雅且高效的 Hugo 主题

Hugo Apero screenshot

Apéro is a Hugo theme for personal websites. A Hugo theme you'll want to hang out with :milky_way: . This is the source for the theme files to install.

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